Safer Properties
Erick Hernandez, Safer PropertiesPhone: (707) 775-7721
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Home Sale

Posted on 08/25/2022
What Makes a Contingency Valid? 4 Basic Rules to Follow
When making an offer on a home, a buyer may add contingencies to their contract. There are many types of contingencies that apply to myriad situations and can protect the buyer from unexpected issues in the transaction. Sellers can also add their own contingencies either on their own or in counteroffers to protect their interests in the sale....
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Posted on 09/23/2021
Understanding Seller Financing
In real estate transactions, homebuyers have to obtain some kind of financing. Typically, this additional monetary support comes from a third party institution like a bank or mortgage lender. However, sometimes the seller may also offer financing directly. There are many options available depending on the specific need and situation. Here is a basic overview of seller financing...
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